First Things First

Allocate: to distribute for a specific purpose; to set apart

With everything in my life and home, I desire to be intentional. I desire to be intentional with honoring God and putting Him first. While this may not be what you came here for, I’d be remiss not to mention that you will see this reflected in much of what I share. 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

Seeking Him first should be my priority. Yet I find that so difficult when I am overwhelmed and distracted by the world. For me, this displays itself in clutter and feeling disorganized. You’ll find that I don’t strive for picture-perfect, pinterest worthy content. I will focus on what should be first and if the rest isn’t to the worlds perfect standards then so be it.

A dear friend refers to her home as her haven. That is precisely what I desire for my family: for our home to be a safe space, a landing place, and a reminder of the ultimate source of love – God.

While nothing of this world can exemplify His love to its full extent, I strive to share it through my home. I don’t want it to become cluttered with the world and all that can overwhelm you with it. I want my life, my home, and my work to be allocated, or set apart, for sharing God’s love.

So take a moment and step into my home to see how I walk this out in my day to day life – putting the first things first, by tackling the mundane and ordinary.

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